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We are not a collection agency, but specialists in the recovery of civil judgments.
This enables us a wider and more creative range of remedies to enforce judgments.

We specialize in the location of the debtor's hidden assets and seize them to satisfy judgments. When the debtor has been located, we have an extremely high success rate for collection!

Our company only keeps a portion of what we are actually able to collect.
There is no out of pocket cost to you.

We will bear all expenses involved in the location of assets and the enforcement of the judgments. You will receive a substantial amount of the assets found and seized.

You do not have to go back to court for any reason because we appear on your behalf. 

there are no upfront cost however, there is a time limitation on enforcing your judgment. 
If you do not promptly act on your claim, it may expire. 
Don't let all the hard work you have already invested into winning this judgment go to waste.

Since your claims have been nothing more than IOUs
for so long, you have nothing to lose by allowing us to enforce them.
Don't delay, turn that worthless piece of paper into cash!